me time.
apaan sih me time itu? bahasa mana lagi ituu, duh duhh, jaman sekarang ya, istilah istilah baru banyak banget.
belakangan ini, banyak banget artikel artikel tentang me time yang saya baca di,, yaa itulah artikel yang paling sering saya baca.
dan saat baca, tiba tiba ketemu tulisan tentang 'me time'
kalo yang saya tangkep dan saya simpulin sendiri, me time adalah waktu untuk mengenal lebih dekat diri kita, menghabiskan waktu dengan diri kita sendiri, dan melakukan hal hal yang belum sempat kita lakukan untuk diri kita sendiri.
dan tanpa sengaja, atau mungkin sudah diatur oleh Yang Mahakuasa, saya sering banget bikin waktu buat 'me time.'
kalo dari artikel yang saya baca, me time itu banyak yang berisikan tentang jalan jalan keluar rumah, aktivitas di luar rumah, belanja, nonton, main, seneng seneng, yaa semua kegiatan yang butuh duit gak dikit. padahal menurut saya, me time itu gak harus kemana mana. dengan sendirian di rumah, rapiin kamar, tidur, duduk depan laptop, nulis nulis, mandi, perawatan badan sendiri, olahraga, dan ngerenung itu juga bisa disebut 'me time.'
yaa gimana enggak, orang ngerjainnya aja sendirian. iya kalo saya nih ya, saat ada waktu luang, terus males jalan, saya itu harus ngapa ngapain, kalo gak ngapa ngapain mending tidur deh, daripada saya mati bosen. apa aja pasti saya lakuin, tergantung mood juga nih.
sadar gak sih, me time buat beresin kamar itu bener bener hal yang paling gak pernah kebayang buat dilakuin, jelas, ini teori saya yang buat :))
saat beresin kamar, kalo kamar anda super duper berantakan, anda akan sadar kalo anda itu orangnya berantakan, dan mungkin emang anda lebih suka berantakan karena bisa nemu barang dengan mudah. saya juga gitu, kalo kamar berantakan terus dirapiin sama orang, saya kesel. lebih baik kamar saya berantakan, daripada ada orang masuk terus ngotak ngatik kamar, bikin semua jadi berantakan.
nah, kan curhat.
terus, pas lagi beresin kamar, mulai deh flash back ~
nemu barang barang jadul terus langsung mikir, ciee banget dulu gue orangnya kaya ginii, ciee banget tulisan jadul gue ketemuu, dan sejuta hal lainnya.
ini tuh saat yang paling tepat buat diri sendiri.
kenali diri anda ~
yaa kalo tidur si, yaudah tidur aja, selamat jalan jalan ke dreamland.
ini bisa ngasilin segudang aktivitas, gataudeh apaan aja, banyak
kalo hobi nulis bisa nulis, hobi desain bisa desain, hobi 'ngoding' bisa ngoding, hobi online bisa online. yaa semuanya bisa lah. manjaan diri anda dengan duduk depan laptop, dan melakukan aktivitas favorit anda.
nah inii, saya juga suka yang ini. tapi kadang suka males jalan ke salon, takut ini takut itu, ribet.
akhirnya memutuskan untuk perawatan sendiri. bisa mandi berjam jam, bersihin badan, keramas, atau ngolesin lotion ke seluruh tubuh, masang kutek, kuku pacar, nguncir nguncir rambut, youtube-ing tutorial hijab, foto sana sini, dan semuanya lah. belajar dandan juga boleh. pokoknya lakuin aktifitas yang bisa bikin otak jadi seneng gituu, lakuin aja. toh lagi 'me time' kan, gak ada orang lain yang boleh ganggu 'me time' kalian.
aduh kapan ya saya terakhir olahraga? lupa :/
ini juga bisa dijadiin waktku buat 'me time' yang belom sempet olahraga, olahraga tuh, sambil kenalin olahraga apa yang cocok buat badan kalian, pokoknya me time lah, kenalin diri kalian.
apaan tuh ngerenung?
mikir, inget dosa.
biasanya, me time itu ada saat kita baru selesai ngelakuin aktifitas yang melelahkan, nyita waktu, pikiran dan hal hal lainnya. kalo me time kita isi dengan ngerenung, kita bisa dapet banyak banget hal positif, yaa kaya mengevaluasi diri gitu kan.
hemmm, me time.
waktu buat diri sendiri itu perlu, perlu banget malah.
kita lahir sendirian, meninggal pun sendirian, kenapa semasa hidup gapunya waktu buat diri sendiri? hayooo, sayangi diri kalian, kenali diri kalian.
hal yang paling suka saya lakuin pas lagi me time itu adalah window shoping, jeng jeng jeng :D
ngeliat liat barang barang itu seru banget, nyobain ini itu gapake beli, ngeliat mbak mbaknya bete gara gara barangnya gak dibeli, cuma diliatin doang. atau main ke toko buku, liat liat buku bagus, numpang baca buku gratis, liat liat resep masakan, liat liat alat tulis, semua hal yang bisa bikin kita ngerasa lebih fresh.
kalo saya, paling suka jalan ke tempat yang ada giftshop, toko buku, bioskop, sama food court.
waktu itu saya pernah 'me time' dan main ke empat tempat itu dalam satu hari, no phone, no friend, just me and myself.
emang sih, yang gak enaknya jadi ngerasa kaya ini sedih amat, gak ada temen jalannya -_-
tapi yaaa emang niatnya 'me time' kok. cuma diri sendiri main sama pikiran sendiri.
nah, saat saya nulis ini juga, saya lagi 'me time'
kalo saya lagi nulis, saya bisa kenal banget sama diri saya. saya tulis hal hal yang penting dan gapenting tentang diri saya, saya kenalin diri saya sebaik baiknya, dan pokoknya manjain diri saya deh :))
iyaa, kalo lagi nulis yaa saya lagi manjain diri saya, lagi kenalan sama diri saya, namanya juga lagi nulis, gak ada yang ganggu kan.
naahh, buat kamu kamu yang super duper sibuk, ngerasa belom kenal sama diri sendiri, ngerasa lelah dengan aktifitas yang ada, kamu butuh waktu buat 'me time'
cuma kamu, sama diri kamu.
make a time for yourself. no phone no friend, throw away all the things that only can bother you :)
sometimes, you just need to share, and sometimes you need to keep it in your memory
Kamis, 30 Mei 2013
Jumat, 24 Mei 2013
better that we break
i was chatting with my friend, we talk about everything and she told me to hear this song.
better that we break - maroon 5
I never knew perfection tillI heard you speak and now it kills meJust to hear you say the simple things
Now waking up is hard to doSleeping's impossible tooAnd every thing's reminding me of youWhat can I do?
It's not right, not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm in painIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this wayIt's better that we break
A fool to let you slip awayI'll chase you just to hear you sayYou're scared enoughYou think that I'm insane
I see you, you look so nice from herePity, I can't see it clearlyWhy you're standing thereIt disappears, it disappears
It's not right, not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm in painIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this wayIt's better that we break
Saw you sitting on the lawnYou're fragile and you're coldBut that's all right
The lie these days is getting roughKnocked you down and beat you upBut it's just a roller coaster anyway, yeah
It's not right, not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm in painIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm not okayIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this wayIt's better that we break, baby
i haven't download and hear the song yet, but i have search the lyric and what a song -_-
this song truly make us 'galau'
when i ask her, why do you recommend this song to me, she said "itu lagunya dalem, lu kan hobi yang galau galau" -_-
and that is true, sometimes we are better break up and end all the things that we try to hold.
love should make you happy, not sad. if you feel don't happy with your relationship, it's better for you to break up. but if you still want to hold your relationship, thats good, but you can't do it alone.
relationship is belong to a couple, for a boy and a girl. if there is only you who want to hold the relationship, its so much better for you to separated.
ya the song separated by usher has same meaning with this song.
for now, you'll feel like you'll get hurt when the relationship end, maybe you'll cry because it's over, you'll feel part of your life has gone, you'll feel like the world end, end, end.
pretend, act, wear a mask, being somebody else are all the things you do in front of people.
you know, the storm doesn't last forever, and it's not rain all the time.
sunshine will come and brings you happiness.
god is saving someone who better than s/he, believe it.
don't hurt your heart, just love yourself.
if s/he can't stay with you, remember there are still a hundred million people in the world.
God is keeping your the one, He gives you some wrongs people before you find your the one, so you can feel the happiness :)
better that we break - maroon 5
I never knew perfection tillI heard you speak and now it kills meJust to hear you say the simple things
Now waking up is hard to doSleeping's impossible tooAnd every thing's reminding me of youWhat can I do?
It's not right, not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm in painIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this wayIt's better that we break
A fool to let you slip awayI'll chase you just to hear you sayYou're scared enoughYou think that I'm insane
I see you, you look so nice from herePity, I can't see it clearlyWhy you're standing thereIt disappears, it disappears
It's not right, not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm in painIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this wayIt's better that we break
Saw you sitting on the lawnYou're fragile and you're coldBut that's all right
The lie these days is getting roughKnocked you down and beat you upBut it's just a roller coaster anyway, yeah
It's not right, not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm in painIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm not okaySay the words that you're sayingMaybe we're better off this way
I'm not fine, I'm not okayIt's harder everydayMaybe we're better off this wayIt's better that we break, baby
i haven't download and hear the song yet, but i have search the lyric and what a song -_-
this song truly make us 'galau'
when i ask her, why do you recommend this song to me, she said "itu lagunya dalem, lu kan hobi yang galau galau" -_-
and that is true, sometimes we are better break up and end all the things that we try to hold.
love should make you happy, not sad. if you feel don't happy with your relationship, it's better for you to break up. but if you still want to hold your relationship, thats good, but you can't do it alone.
relationship is belong to a couple, for a boy and a girl. if there is only you who want to hold the relationship, its so much better for you to separated.
ya the song separated by usher has same meaning with this song.
for now, you'll feel like you'll get hurt when the relationship end, maybe you'll cry because it's over, you'll feel part of your life has gone, you'll feel like the world end, end, end.
pretend, act, wear a mask, being somebody else are all the things you do in front of people.
you know, the storm doesn't last forever, and it's not rain all the time.
sunshine will come and brings you happiness.
god is saving someone who better than s/he, believe it.
don't hurt your heart, just love yourself.
if s/he can't stay with you, remember there are still a hundred million people in the world.
God is keeping your the one, He gives you some wrongs people before you find your the one, so you can feel the happiness :)
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